In times of currency crisis interest rates can be raised as a sign that a government is in command. 在发生货币危机的时期,利率会提高,以表明政府有控制力。
The new official Indian currency symbol: the Indian Rupee Sign 新的官方印度货币符号:印度卢比符号
Although the NDRC did not elaborate on its plans to warn exporters over currency moves, many took the statement as a sign that China was preparing for a change in currency policy. 尽管发改委并未详细解释它计划如何向出口商提示汇率变动情况,但许多人把这一声明视为中国准备调整汇率政策的迹象。
Instead, traders viewed an oblique reference to the Japanese currency in the G7 communique as a sign there was no official appetite for any concerted action. 相反,汇市交易员将G7会议公报语焉不详提及日元汇率视为一个信号,表明G7尚无采取协同行动的正式愿望。
Momentary currency appreciation aside, however, there is no sign of a move to the euro as a global currency. 然而,抛开暂时的货币升值不谈,丝毫没有迹象表明,人们正逐渐把欧元当作一种全球货币。
To enter a value in currency format, type a dollar sign before the value. 输入数值前先键入$,则输入的数值将套用货币样式。
It has floated the idea of an international currency to replace the dollar, a sign it regards the days of us pre-eminence as numbered. 中国提出了结束美元作为国际货币的想法,这显示在中国看来,美国优势地位的日子不长了。
Long accustomed to currency crises, Argentines price homes and cars in dollars, and race into greenbacks at the first sign of economic trouble. 由于长期习惯了经济危机,阿根廷人都用美元计算房屋和车子的价格,并在经济危机初始的时候竞相将比索兑换成美元。
Draws the conclusion that the Structured Deposits of Foreign Currency with no capital risks has its investment value, but as a result of its value and sign property suspension hook, therefore also has certain investment risk. 认为本金无风险的外汇结构性存款有其投资价值,但由于其价值与标的资产挂钩,因此也存在着一定的投资风险。
In the circulation of currency exchange as the universal equivalent, the text is also a sign of its special status. 货币作为在流通中交换的一般等价物,其上的文字也标志了它的特殊身份。
Currency internationalization is a sign of strong power which one great state owned. 货币国际化是一个大国强势地位的标志。